HPCD is a platform for analyzing and optimizing the use of cloud servers. It integrates several services which are continuously expanding its capabilities. It allows saving user resources enabled through the individual schedule, reporting system, and other additional functions.

HPCD is a platform for analyzing and optimizing the use of cloud servers. It integrates several services which are continuously expanding its capabilities. It allows saving user resources enabled through the individual schedule, reporting system, and other additional functions.
Project details
The Saas platform is engaged in optimizing cloud computing. HPCD provides analytical data that makes it possible to see the overall picture of the use of servers and optimize each of them, significantly saving the client’s resources in the end.
Our team was entrusted with developing the platform from scratch, having formed the ability to integrate with several cloud services, turning the cloud power on and off, and reporting. These and other options allow to fully manage and configure all accounts while optimizing time and finances.
Using the platform is quite simple and user-friendly. After the administrator had created the HPCD account, users can select the cloud services they need to initialize its full use. if a service is already being used, the user can choose a tariff plan and work according to its functionality, changing it at any time conveniently. It also provides the ability to fully enable/disable instance monitoring, which is absolutely not needed in an active working state during non-working hours, such as night time or weekends. For this, additional Scheduler functionality has been created, which allows configuring an individual schedule for each account, cloud system, country, or the entire region. Adhering to this, the possibility of additional energy and financial costs is excluded in principle.
A very convenient option is separate support for database instances, where the user can track and evaluate the number of requests, expand or reduce the server space for the database. All manipulations in the HPСD system are displayed by the report option, which is configured individually, taking into account the frequency of use of the system, resource, and financial costs.
The HPСD methodology does not upload personal data, therefore security is maintained at all stages. The service is independent of cloud providers. The solution is to have a Docker instance with an internal web page. Logs and reports are stored in their cloud provider. All payments are made through the Stripe system, which allows individuals and enterprises to make and receive payments online. The Stripe system itself provides the technical, anti-fraud, and banking infrastructure necessary for the operation of online payment systems, so the user is entirely safe from any fraudulent payment transactions.
Each HPСD user can use the demo version of the system before real registration and launching the service, this allows you to clearly and accurately determine the number of necessary options in case of future registration.
Amoniac developed the project from scratch, having received instructions from the customer. The concept and design created. HPCD development involved Ruby on Rails framework. The main technical difficulty in the project was the setup of API from Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure for fetching.
Now, the project has finished, currently on a support phase, whilst the client is already successfully using it.

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