Can You Trust Outsourcing Developers?

headway-jfR5wu2hMI0-unsplash 1 (1).jpg Choosing a reliable team for developing the product for your business is a complicated but realistic task. All previous unsuccessful experiences in cooperation with different development teams can become a trigger, and you will mistrust the subsequent collaborations.

More than 30% of companies are afraid to work with outsourcing teams. This article will help analyze the development company based on the essential indexes. We will outline the vital characteristics you need to look at while choosing the developers and define the best techniques for cooperation with outsourcing teams.

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How To Make Collaboration With An Outsourced Team Successful?

Before discussing the best practices of cooperation with the outsource team, we need to define why businesses are afraid of working with such developers.

  • The fear of failure. The first reason is a fear and mistrust in hiring an outsource team because of previous unsuccessful experience. Trust is a critical point in collaboration with any remote or outsourced team, and it is difficult to rebuild the trust with negative expectations. Before you find your next outsourcing team, you need to figure out the main problem with your previous project and predict the same mistakes.
  • Lack of experience. Another reason not to trust outsourced developers is a lack of experience in managing developing teams. You can not fully understand the principles of their work, or you have a limited budget and are afraid to be out of expenses with a team you do not know very well.

All these things can be a barrier to having efficient cooperation with an outsourced development team. In the following paragraphs, we will outline the principal you need to follow for your goal achievement. Amoniac has broad experience in building products and providing services on an outsource basis, and we will guide you through the most circulated fairs and how to decline them.

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The Basic Principles of Cooperation With Outsource Developing Team

There is a list of steps you need to take to better understanding the principles of outsourcing work and ensure the success of future cooperation.

#1. Observe the main fears that can stop hiring an outsourcing team

The first and the most important thing is to determine why you are afraid to cooperate with outsourced. On your first call with a team, you need to get as much information about them as possible. If you are afraid that DevOps will not contact you during the development work, you can plan a call as a checkpoint every week or every second week.

You need to analyze your previous experience and define the difficult moments you had. It will help discover new ways of hiring outsource teams and building work on platforms you like.

The most common questions you can have:

  • How to be aware that the team I hired works only with my project?
  • How to know that the people I communicate with will work with my project? I discuss everything with senior developers, but what if with my project work only juniors?
  • How to know that the team works with a project from the first months?

The best option is to have this list of questions you are thinking about and discuss it with a team at your first meeting.

#2. Apply prevention actions to decrease the risks

After you understand the root of the fairs, you need to make everything possible to prevent failure. First, you can ask for references and contacts for recommendations. Encourage personal communication, if it is possible. Try to have planned meetings with a team to ensure we look at the project the same way. You also must be sure that you gave the team precise project requirements. Moreover, you can use progress tracking software to ensure that the team works on your tasks.

#3. Focus on appropriate values of a dedicated team

Each team is unique, and the advice is to understand the team you are working with. If it is a team from another culture, you need to learn the features of such teams. Explain each team member's role, and ensure that the values of the team and your company are similar.

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#4. Use the advantages of collaboration hiring the outsourcing team

Remote outsource work has many advantages you need to use for successful cooperation. First, people from Generation Z are 36% of the global workforce today, and they prefer to work remotely. It means that more and more talented engineers will be available remotely, and you can have the best team even if they live in the other part of the world. With outsourced teams, you will get your software delivery faster. Also, you can focus on core business activities while the outsource team ensures efficient development of new products. Moreover, remote teams also can bring a lot of new management skills to your business.

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#5. Use tips to strengthen effectiveness in the team

There are some basic rules to increase the efficiency of remote outsource teams and ensure that you will get a working product.

  • communicate frequently
  • use flexible working schedule
  • always provide a feedback
  • ensure clear goals and exaptations
  • learn the organizational structure of the outsourcing team

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right and experienced outsource team for IT development is a complicated process. The article's tips and tricks will help you ensure that you get the right people for your outsourcing work. At the same time, you need to remember that the success of product development depends not only on the team but also on your attitude to the process. If you still have questions about choosing the best outsource team, trust them and get a good quality product, you can contact Amoniac specialists for consultation.

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